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geus-, geuma-, -geusia, -geusic, -geustia (Greek: taste).

ageusia [uh GYOO see uh]: Loss of the sense of taste; a.k.a., gustatory anesthesia.

ageusic [uh GYOO sik]: A reference to the loss of the sense of taste.

ageustia [uh GYOOS tia]: A loss of the sense of taste.

allotriogeusia [al aht" ree oh GYOO see uh]: Perverted taste for non-nutritious or unusual substances.

ambageusia [am buh GYOO see uh]: Loss of taste from both sides of the tongue.

amblygeusia [am bli GYOO see uh]:

amblygeustia [am bli GYOOS tee uh]: A diminution in the sense of taste.

cacogeusia [kak oh GYOO see uh]: A bad taste in the mouth.

dysgeusia [dis GYOO see uh]: Impairment or perversion of the gustatory sense, or sense of taste.

geumaphobia [gyoo" muh FOH bee uh: A fear of unfamiliar tastes or flavors. There is a disorder known as "gustatory agnosia", in which food becomes tasteless or even has a disgusting taste. People who have this condition may also lose their ability to smell or may find that formerly pleasant odors have become offensive. With an inability to smell, such phobics may fear that they are unaware that they are eating or drinking something that formerly caused them anxieties. Also geumatophobia and geumophobia.

glycogeusia [gligh koh GYOO see uh]: A subjective sweet taste.

hemiageusia [hem" ee uh GYOO see uh]: Loss of taste from one side (half) of the tongue.

hemiageustia [hem" ee uh GYOOS tee uh]: Loss of taste from one side (half) of the tongue.

hemigeusia [hem" ee GYOO see uh]: Taste from one side (half) of the tongue.

hypergeusia [high pur GYOO see uh; high pur JYOO see uh]: An abnormal acuteness, or excess, of the sense of taste.

hypogeusia [high poh GYOO see uh]: Blunting the sense of taste; diminished acuteness of the sense of taste.

oxygeusia [ahk" si GYOO see uh] : An excessive sharpness or acuteness of the sense of taste.

parageusia [par uh GYOO see uh; par uh JYOO see uh]: Disordered or perverted sense of taste.

parageusic [par uh GYOO sik; par uh JYOO sik]: A reference to a disordered or perverted sense of taste; parageusis.

parageustic [par uh GYOO stik; par uh JYOO stik]: A reference to a disordered, false, or perverted sense of taste; parageusis.

picrogeusia [pi" kruh GYOO see uh]: A bitter taste.

pseudogeusesthesia [syoo doh gyoo" es THEE zia]: A false impression or subjective loss of taste.

pseudogeusia [syoo doh GYOO see uh]: A subjective taste sensation not produced by an external stimulus.

psychogeusic [sigh" koh GYOO sik]: Relating to some mental perception of taste.