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gero-, geri-, ger-, geronto-, geront- (Greek: old age, old man, old people).

Man is an illogical creature who wants a long life but never to be old.

Reduction or loss of subcutaneous fat and collagen of the hands and feet, giving the appearance of premature aging.
1. Old age accompanied by good health and vigor.
2. Youthful appearance in old people.
Normal, healthy, and happy old age.
Disease characteristic of old age.
The process of growing old.
gerascophobia, gerasophobia:
An abnormal fear of, or aversion to, growing old.
Mental depression of the elderly.
In biology, the study of the decline and senescence of populations.
geriatrician, geriatrist:
A doctor who specializes in medical care for senior citizens.
geriatrics, geriatric, geriatry:
1. The branch of medicine that deals with the illnesses and medical care of senior citizens.
2. The branch of medicine concerned with the medical problems and care of the aged. Included are all aspects of aging, including physiological, pathological, psychological, economic, and sociological problems. The importance of geriatrics is emphasized by the fact that the expected lifespan is increasing.
An expert in geriatrics.
Medical care of the elderly.
geroderma, gerodermia:
1. Atrophy of the skin, as seen in old age.
2. Dystrophy of the skin and genitals, producing the appearance of old age.
gerodontics, gerodontia:
1. The practice of dentistry among old people.
2. A reference to changes in the dental tissues that come with age.
3. The branch of dentistry focusing on the needs of senior citizens.
4. Also called dental geriatrics and geriodontics.
gerodontist, geriodontist:
A dentist specializing in gerodontics.
The study of dentistry in relation to the aging, aged, or elderly.
The wasting of the body, as that which is sometimes associated with old age.
geromorphism, geromorphic:
1. Appearing prematurely old or the condition of appearing old while still young.
2. Appearing older than one really is; premature senility.
geronta (singular); gerontae (plural):
An elderly female; elderly women.
Senile; old age.
Impersonating or adopting the characteristics of an older person; it is sometimes reported as a paraphilia when sexual arousal and orgasm are dependent upon playing such a role and being treated as an older person by the sexual partner.
A reference to government by elders.
1. Pertaining to old age, senile.
2. A combination of the scientific principles of aging with basic nursing methods to provide a comprehensive understanding. This broad concept relies on a logical scientific approach using specialized knowledge about aged persons.
3. Of or relating to the last phase of life.
gerontocracy, gerontocrat, gerontocratic:
1. A system of government in which the elders are chosen as rulers.
2. A group of elders who make up a government; a governing group of elders.
A reference to plants, etc. belonging to the Old World (i.e. the eastern hemisphere).
1. The study of the phenomena of old age.
2. The study of aging as a biologic, sociological, and psychological process; geriatric medicine.
3. The scientific study of the process and problems of aging and of age-related diseases on humans.
One who specializes in gerontology.
1. Evolutionary development that produces extreme specialization and, ultimately, extinction of a species or race, as with the dinosaurs.
2. In biology, a degree of evolutionary specialization of a species that decreases its ability to adapt and ultimately leads to its extinction.
Of, pertaining to, or designating anatomical specialization most fully represented in the mature male of a species.
A person who loves old people.
gerontophilia, gerontophilic, gerontophilism, gerontophily, gerophilia:
A special fondness or love for old people.
gerontophobia, gerophobia:
A pathologic fear of aging or of old people.
1. The science concerned with treatment of the aged.
2. Therapeutic management of aging persons designed to retard and prevent the development of many of the aspects of senescence [the process or condition of growing old, especially the condition resulting from the transitions and accumulations of the deleterious aging processes].
Treatment of disease in the aged; geriatric therapy.
gerontu (singular); geronti (plural):
An elderly male; elderly men.
An attempt to prevent the effects of biological aging.
A subspecialty of psychiatry dealing with mental illness in the elderly.
phylogerontic, phylogerontism:
Pertaining to the old age or stage of decay of a race or type of organism.
progeria, progerian, progeric:
1. Premature appearance of old age.
2. A fatal disease of children characterized by symptoms usually associated with senility.
psychogeriatrics, psychogeriatric, geropsychiatry:
1. Pertaining to mental illness or disturbance in old people.
2. Of a person: old and mentally ill or disturbed.