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dendro-, dendr-, dendri-, -dendria, -dendrite, -dendritic, -dendra, -dendron (Greek: tree, tree-like structure).

acrodendrophilous, acrodendrophile, acrodendrophily:
In biology, describing a species that lives or thrives in treetop habitats.
Pertaining to or of the nature of a tree; arboreal.
dendranthropology, dendranthropologic, dendranthropological:
Study based on the theory that man came from trees.
A terminal filament of the neuraxon of a nerve cell.
Pertaining to or possessing a dendron.
In neurology, a receptive point at an end of the branching processes of a dendrite where it can enter into contact with and be stimulated by the axon endings of other neurons.
dendriform, dendroid:
Like a tree; in the form of a tree.
dendrite, dendron:
1. In medicine, One of the two types of branching protoplasmic processes of the nerve cell (the other being the axon); dendritic process, dendron, neurodendrite, neurodendron.
2. A crystalline tree-like structure formed during the freezing of an alloy.
1. Dendroid; tree-like structures or markings.
2. Relating to the dendrites of nerve cells.
That part of the Earth's surface covered by trees.
A specialist in dating by examining tree rings.
1. A method of dating using annual tree-rings; tree-ring chronology.
2. The science of tree-ring analysis and its implications.
3. In archaeology, a method of dating wooden objects by analyzing the pattern of their annual rings and comparing this pattern to an established tree-ring sequence for the region.
Breaking or destroying trees; a destroyer of trees.
1. The determination of past climatic conditions from the study of the annual growth rings of trees.
2. The study of past climates by the examination of the annual growth rings in (ancient) timber.
dendrocolous, dendrocole:
Living in, or growing on, trees.
A biogeographical region including all of the neotropical region except temperate South America.
dendrogram, dendrograph, dendrography:
1. A tree-like figure used to graphically represent a hierarchy.
2. In biology, a branching diagram used to show relationships between members of a group.
3. A family tree with the oldest common ancestor at the base, and branches for various divisions of lineage.
In hydrology, the study of tree-ring configuration to determine hydrologic occurrences; variations in the width reveal variations in precipitation or water flow.

dendroid, dendroidal; dendriform:
1. Shaped or formed like a tree; tree-like; aborescent.
2. In biology, of or relating to a tree or its growth patterns; resembling a tree.
3. Something showing many branches.
dendrolatry, dendrolatrous:
The worship of trees.
A petrified or fossil tree or part of a tree.
A specialist in the identification and classification of trees and shrubs.
dendrology, dendrologic, dendrological:
In forestry, the branch of forestry that focuses on the identification and classification of trees and shrubs.
An instrument for measuring the diameters and heights of trees or logs, based on principles concerning the relation of the sides of similar triangles.
dendrophagous, dendrophagus, dendrophage, dendrophagy:
Feeding mainly on the wood of trees.
dendrophilous, dendrophilia, dendrophile, dendrophily:
1. In biology, thriving in trees; living in orchards.
2. Growing on or twining around trees.
3. In psychiatry, a love of trees; sometimes interpreted as a fondness for phallic symbols.
An irrational fear of trees.
In mycology, a hypha or filament that branches out on trees; found in fungi belonging to the family Cyphellaceae.
epidendral, epidendrous, epidendric:
Growing on trees or existing on trees.
One who has a special fondness for trees.
A climbing evergreen plant characterized by smooth, shiny, leaves; often grown as a houseplant; found in tropical America. Via Modern Latin, from Greek, philodendros, "loving trees" because it climbs trees in its native habitat.
An evergreen shrub of the heath family that is native to southern Asia but is widely grown in temperate regions for its cluster of brightly colored flowers. Via Latin, "oleander", from Greek, rhodon, "rose" plus dendron, "tree".
telodendria, telodendron:
One of the terminal branches into which the axon of a nerve cell divides.