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Phobia Words: “antlophobia” to “autophobia”,
Part 3 of 13

Words that include: phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias,
-phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
(Greek: fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element means a strong dislike or hatred for something or someone)

An excessive fear of floods, especially of drowning in a flood. This is just one of many fears of natural disasters that include hurricanes and tornadoes. When a fear about such natural threats is unreasonable, or excessive, is it considered a phobia; however, normal precautions would be considered wise.
An excessive fear of remaining unmarried or single. Many people fear remaining single because they view the world as being populated by couples. The fear of being single is a fear of being considered socially different than most other people. The fear also includes a fear of growing old and being alone.
An excessive fear of infinity. Individuals who fear infinity like to have terms defined and distances measured, and appreciate predictability in their lives.
aphephobia, haphephobia:
An excessive fear of touching or of being touched by other persons. In some cases, fear of being touched may relate to sexual fears. Some people fear being touched because they fear contamination.
An illogical, or irrational fear of reptiles.
apiophobia, apiphobia:
A morbid fear of bees or of being stung by bees. This fear may result in restricted travel or of driving with the windows of the car closed everytime the phobic drives around or even of staying indoors during the daylight.
A fear of April Fools’ Day itself. People who suffer excessively from the fear of being ridiculed, losing face, blushing, being embarrassed, or “put down” in social situations.
An irrational fear of water that is related to an abnormal fear of drowning and of death. Some aquaphobics are afraid of putting their faces into the water and getting it up their noses; when this happens, they have a rapid heartbeat and breathe faster, often inhaling water, which further increases their anxiety.
A morbid fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one’s mouth. It’s related to fears of swallowing and gagging.
arachnephobia, arachnophobia, arachneophobia:
An excessive fear of spiders. Some arachnophobics fumigate their homes on a regular basis, wash all fruits and vegetables, and check incoming bags and other containers where spiders might be hiding. They are usually unable to go on a picnic or stay in strange hotels or houses, and they are usually checking around themselves when they are outside. Some people have been known to become physically sick at the sight of a spider.
An excessive fear of spider eggs probably because they represent the presence of spiders and the possibility that there will be many more of them.
Some fears of particular numbers, such as the number thirteen. There are some phobics who fear the tendency to give so many things a number instead of a name. They may be anxious about being nameless or being a no body.
An excessive fear of men either because of some bad experience or a fear of sexual dominance.
An excessive fear of fire or of setting something on fire. Such phobics may avoid striking matches, cigarette lighters, and attending places that involve the action of cooking outdoors over a campfire. Historically, fire has been a source of both fear and awe, with both divine and evil interpretations.
An unexplained fear of weakness; such as by losing one’s physical, social, or some kind of political control. It may also be a fear of fainting.
astrapophobia, astraphobia:
An intensive fear of being struck by lightning or of thunderstorms.
An excessive fear of stars and how they may have adverse influences with one’s life or destiny.
ataxiophobia, ataxophobia:
An excessive fear of disorder, disarray, disarrangement, or being in an untidy situation. Some ataxiophobiacs have obsessive-compulsive disorders that are persistent, intense, senseless, and worrisome. They tend to be so excessive at keeping things in order that they make it nearly impossible to exist with others who are of a less-than-orderly nature.
An excessive fear of imperfection or incompleteness. There are those who are unduly concerned with what others think of them.
1. A morbid fear of catastrophe.
2. An excessive fear of ruins, either historical or those after a recent disaster, such as a fire or flood.
An excessive fear of failure because there are those who have no confidence in themselves or they fear ridicule by others.
An excessive fear of seeing, handling, or playing a flute or similar wind instrument. Those who fear rods or sticks may also fear flutes.
A strong dislike of gold because of what it represents or its appearance. Such phobias may relate to a discomfort with success and wealth, fear of shiny things, or fear of textures.
A fear or delusion that the person himself/herself has a vile or repugnant odor. This phobia may result in excessive washing (ablutomania) or in the avoidance of social contacts.
A fear of the northern or auroral lights.
An excessive fear of being dirty or of personal filth which may result in abnormally frequent washing.
An abnormal fear of being by oneself or of being in solitude.