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Myth Words: “demyth” to “theomythology”

mythico-, mytho-, myth-, -mythical, -mythical, -mythically, -mythic (Greek: talk, speech, word; story; legend).

Used as a synonym of demythologize.
To deprive of mythical character; to remove the aura of reverence, sentimentality, etc.
To remove the mythical elements (from a legend, cult, etc.); specifically, in theology, to reinterpret the mythological elements in the Bible.
The moral of the story. A reference to fables as a brief fictional narrative with a generalized moral lesson.
1. A purely fictitious narrative usually involving supernatural persons, actions, or events, and embodying some popular idea concerning natural or historical phenomena.
2. A fictitious or imaginary person or object.
1. Of the nature of, consisting of, or based on a myth or myths; having no foundation in fact; fictitious.
2. Of persons or times belonging to a period of which the accounts handed down are of the nature of myths; existing only in myth.
3. Applied to theories or views which regard narratives of supernatural events as myths.
The principle of attributing a mythical character to narratives of supernatural events.
mythoclast, mythoclastic:
One who destroys or casts discredit upon myths.
The creation or production of myths.
Myth-forming; of or pertaining to the creation of myths.
mythogony, mythogonic:
The study of the origin of myths.
A written presentation of a myth.
A writer or narrator of myths.
Of or pertaining to the representation of mythical subjects in art, literature, etc.
1. The recording of myths in writing.
2. A critical collection of myths.
3. A written representation or expression of myths.
A recurrent pattern, event, or theme in myths, as an explanation of the change of seasons; folklore motifs.
Of or belonging to mythology; based upon or of the nature of mythology or mythical narrative; having reference to a myth or myths.
A narrator of myths and legends.
1. A writer of myths.
2. One who is versed in myths or mythology.
1. To relate a myth or myths; to construct a mythology.
2. To make mythical; to convert into myth or mythology; to mythicize.
1. That department of knowledge that deals with myths.
2. A group of myths that belong to a particular people or culture and tell about their ancestors, heroes, gods, and other supernatural beings and history.
3. The study of myths, or the branch of knowledge that deals with myths.
Someone who is prone to lie, exaggerate, or believe something is true when it is not.
1. Excessive interest in myths and propensity for incredible stories and fabrications.
2. Pathological lying; pseudologia phantastica.
One who has an abnormal or pathological tendency to lie or to exaggerate.
A Pathological fear of stories or myths; disbelief in everything one is told.
The creating of myths.
mythopoeic, mythopoetic:
Relating to, involving, or engaged in the production of myths.
1. The interrelated set of beliefs, attitudes, and values held by a society or cultural group.
2. The interrelationship of value structures and historical experiences of a people, usually given expression through the arts.
3. A myth or mythology.
Theology based on myth.
polymythology, polymythy, polymythic:
A combination of a number of stories in one narrative or dramatic work.
A mixture of theology and mythology.