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Lexico Words: “alexia” to “paralexia”

lexico-, lexi-, lex-, -lexia, -lexias, -lexic, -lectic, -lexis (Greek: a word; a saying, a phrase; speaking).

Closely related to legi-, ligi-, lig-, lect-, -lectic (Latin: read, readable [to choose words; gather, collect; to pick out, choose; to read, recite]).

alexia, alex:
1. Inability to see words or to read; word-blindness.
2. An inability to comprehend the meaning of written or printed words and sentences, caused by a cerebral lesion. Also called optical alexia, sensory alexia, or visual alexia, in distinction to motor alexia (anarthria), in which there is loss of the power to read aloud although the significance of what is written or printed is understood.
An abnormal slowness in reading.
A reference to someone who has dyslexia.
dyslexia, dyslexic, dyslexical:
1. An imprecise term concerning a condition in which an individual with normal vision is unable to interpret written language. These individuals can see and recognize letters but are unable to spell and write words. Some great intellects, including Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Woodrow Wilson, and Winston Churchill, are thought to have been dyslexic.
2. Impaired reading ability with a competence level below that expected on the basis of the individual’s level of intelligence, and in the presence of apparent normal vision and letter recognition and normal recognition of the meanings of pictures and objects. A typical manifestation is the reversal of letters within a word; such as, saw for was.
lexeme, lexemic:
In linguistics, a word or stem that is a meaningful unit in a language as opposed to such a form as part of a grammatical structure.
1. Of a vocabulary, or stock of words, as of a language; specifically, of words as isolated items of vocabulary rather than elements in a grammatical structure.
2. Of, or having the nature of, a lexicon or lexicography.
lexicalize, lexicalization:
The creation of a single word out of existing words, usually in order to express something previously conveyed by several words or a phrase; for example, “shoplifting”.
A person who writes or compiles a dictionary.
A reference to the writing or compilation of dictionaries.
lexicography, lexicographian:
The act, process, art, or work of writing or compiling a dictionary or dictionaries.
One who studies the meanings and origins of words.
lexicology, lexicological:
1. The branch of linguistics dealing with the use and meanings of words and the relationships between items of vocabulary.
2. The study of the meanings and origins of words.
Dictionary lover.
lexicon (singular); lexica (plural):
1. A dictionary or reference book with an alphabetized listing of words and their meanings, especially one dealing with an ancient language.
2. The special vocabulary of a particular author, field of study, etc.
3. In linguistics, the total stock of morphemes in a language.
4. With artificial intelligence, in a natural language processing system, a table of words with their parts of speech, root words, relations to other words or phrases, semantic features, definitions, and so on, in machine-processable form.
One who compiles a lexicon or lexica.
1. To compile a lexicon.
2. To reduce or make into the form of a lexicon.
A collector of dictionaries and word books.
Of or relating to the statistics of vocabulary. Also lexicostatistics.
lexigraphy, lexigraphic:
A system of writing in which each character stands for a word.
lexiphanes, lexiphanic, lexiphanicism:
A phrase-monger; one who uses bombastic phraseology.
A reference to word sounds or sounding out words.
1. The entire stock of words in a language.
2. The diction or wording, in contrast to other elements, of a piece of writing.
A form of sensory aphasia in which one word is read for another word.