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Dys- Words: “dysmetria” to “trichothiodystrophy”,
Part 2 of 2.

Words that include: dys- (Greek: bad, harsh, wrong; ill; hard to, difficult at; slow of; disordered; impaired, defective; used primarily as a prefix).

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1. The inability to fix the range of a movement in muscular activity. Rapid and brusque movements are made with more force than necessary.
2. The inability, in the performance of a movement, to judge direction and distance, seen particularly when the patient attempts to touch his nose or the examiner’s finger with his finger, or his knee with his heel. The movement, while generally in the right direction, either veers to the side of the target or overshoots (hypermetria).
Inability to visualize correctly the size and shape of things.
1. Inability to express oneself by gestures or signs.
2. Inability to imitate.
dysmnesia, dysmnesic:
Any impairment of memory, as in amnestic syndrome; a bad memory.
dysmorphia, dysmorphic, dysmorphism:
An abnormality of shape or size, usually of developmental origin.
Preoccupation with the possibility of developing a physical deformity, or a delusional conviction that such a deformity has already developed.
1. An irrational fear of being deformed or the illusion that one is deformed.
2. An obsessive fear or, more commonly, delusional conviction that one is physically deformed or otherwise abnormal; sometilmes used loosely to refer to any hypochondriacal complaint of delusional intensity.
1. A branch of science dealing with the study of congenitally deformed fetuses; also teratology.
2. A branch of clinical genetics concerned with the diagnosis and interpretation of patterns of the three types of structural defects: malformation, disruption, and deformation.
Defective vision, with distortion of the shape of objects perceived.
dysnomy, disnomia:
A condition in which a patient forgets words or has difficulty finding words for written or oral expressions.
Having impaired (bad) teeth.
1. Painful, difficult, or delayed eruption of teeth.
2. Painful or difficult dentition.
Any disturbance involving the amount, quality, or timing of sleep. They include primary insomnia, primary hypersomnia, narcolepsy, breathing-related sleep disorders, altitude insomnia, food allergy insomnia, environmental sleep disorder, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
dysopia, dysopsia:
Defective vision.
Impaired or perverted appetite; eating disorder.
Distortion of normal smell perception.
Defective ossification; defective bone formation, due to faulty ossification of fetal cartilages.
An abnormal metabolic condition in which tissues cannot make full use of available oxygen.
dyspathy, dyspathetic:
Antipathy; lack of sympathy; the reverse of sympathy.
dyspepsia, dyspeptic:
Imperfect or painful digestion; not a disease in itself but symptomatic of other diseases or disorders. It is marked by vague abdominal discomfort, a sense of fullness after eating, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite.
dysphagy, dysphagia, dysphagic:
1. Inability to swallow or difficulty in swallowing; a sensation of food sticking in the esophagus.
2. Difficulty in eating; it may be organically or psychically determined, but the term generally implies an organic cause.
dysphasia, dysphasic:
Impairment of speech resulting from a brain lesion.
dysphemism, dysphemia:
1. The deliberate substitution of an offensive expression for a neutral one.
2. An offensive expression deliberately substituted for a neutral one.
Difficulty in speaking; hoarseness which may be due to public speakilng. The term also refers to the change or breaking in the voice of boys during puberty.
dysphoria, dysphoric:
An exaggerated feeling of depression and unrest without apparent cause; a mood of general dissatisfaction with life; unpleasantness, restlessness, anxiety, discomfort, and unhappiness.
Impairment of speech due to a brain lesion; dysphasia.
Premature spontaneous arousal from sleep, such as early morning waking.
dysplasia, dysplastic:
Medically abnormal development or growth of a part of the body, e.g., an organ, bone, or cell, including the total absence of such a part.
dyspnea, dyspnoea, dyspneic:
1. Air hunger resulting in labored or difficult breathing, sometimes accompanied by pain. It is normal when due to vigorous work or athletic activity.
2. Difficulty in breathing caused, e.g., by heart disease, over exertion, or by being over weight.
1. Poor coordination displayed by some children, diagnosed by illegible handwriting and inability to catch a ball and clap while the ball is in the air. It sometimes accompanies dyslexia.
2. An impairment in or partial loss of control of the body’s motor system, resulting from brain damage.
1. An irregularity in an otherwise normal rhythm, especially of heartbeats or brainwaves.
2. Abnormal, disordered, or disturbed rhythm.
A subjective impression that all, or part of, the body has become deformed, for example that it has become smaller, or that a limb or part of a limb belongs to someone else.
dyssomnia, dyssomic:
Sleep disorders characterized by a disturbance in the amount, quality, or timing of sleep. They include primary insomnia, primary hypersomnia, narcolepsy, breathing-related sleep disorders, latitude insomnia, food allergy insomnia, environmental sleep disorder, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
dysstasia, dystasia, dysstatic:
Difficulty in standing.
Lack of symmetry.
1. The study of apparently useless organs or parts.
2. A lack of purposefulness, or of a contribution to the final result.
An undignified and painful death due to the postponement of a merciful death.
dysthyroidism, dysthyreosis:
Imperfect development and function of the thyroid gland.
Difficulty in breast feeding.
Difficult labor, abnormally difficult childbirth. It may be produced by either the size of the passenger (the fetus) or the small size of the pelvic outlet.
dystonia, dystonic:
Prolonged muscle contractions that may cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal posture. These movements may be in the form of rhythmic jerks. The condition may progress in childhood, but it is rare in adults. In children the legs are usually affected first.
dystopia, distopian, distopic:
1. An imaginary place where everything is as bad as it possibly can be, or a vision or description of such a place.
2. In medicine, malposition or displacement of any organ.
Defective nutrition caused by disease of the nervous system.
In ecology, it is used to describe a pond or lake containing water that is brown in color, abnormally acidic, and lacking in oxygen. Such water is unable to support much plant or animal life because of the amount of humus dissolved in it.
dystrophy, dystrophia:
1. A disorder caused by defective nutrition or metabolism.
2. In medicine, progressive degeneration of a body tissue, e.g., muscle, as a result of inadequate nourishment of the affected part, due to some unknown cause.
3. A condition in which pond or lake water is unable to support thriving animal or plant life because of excessive humus content.
dysuria, dysuresia, dysuric:
Painful or difficult urination, symptomatic of numerous conditions.
Having a defective blood supply.
Any disease due to an intake of too little of a given vitamin (as beriberi, rickets, or pellagra) or too much of a given vitamin; a disorder due to an excess or deficiency of a vitamin.
1. Imperfect formation of spermatozoa.
2. A disorder of spermatozoon formation.
A dyspnea (breathing difficulty) characteristic of overweight people; the dyspnea of the obese.
Congenital maldevelopment of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots.
Dystrophic changes in the nails occurring as a congenital defect or due to any illness or injury that may cause a malformed nail.
An abnormal dislike of certain odors.
poliodystrophy, poliodystrophia, poliodystrophic:
Wasting of the gray matter of the nervous system.
polydystrophy, polydystrophia, polydystrophic:
A condition characterized by the presence of many congenital anomalies of the connective tissues.
Defective nutrition of hair, often culminating in alopecia. May be acquired or congenital; the latter often with metabolic or other birth defects.
Congenital defect of copper metabolism manifested in short, sparse, poorly pigmented kinky hair; associated with failure to thrive, physical and mental retardation, and progressive severe deterioration of the brain; apparently a defect of copper transport.
Congenital fragile hair with multiple fractures resulting from low sulfur-containing amino acid (cysteine) content of the hair, mental impairment, and a short stature.

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