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Dys- Words: “acrodysesthesia” to “dysmentia”,
Part 1 of 2.

Words that include: dys- (Greek: bad, harsh, wrong; ill; hard to, difficult at; slow of; disordered; impaired, defective; used primarily as a prefix).

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1. Dysesthesia (impairment of the senses) in the extremities (arms and legs), usually the hands and feet.
2. An abnormal and unpleasant sensation in the peripheral portions of the extremities.
A disorder in which the hands and feet are short with stubby fingers and toes. Growth retardation is progressive. Mental retardation and marked nasal hypoplasia are also present.
algodystrophy, algesidystrophy:
Pain in the bones and cartilages; a painful local disturbance of growth, particularly due to focal aseptic necrosis of bone and cartilage.
Hereditary congenital defect of joint development.
dysacousia, dysacousis, dysacusia, dysacusis, dyacousma:
1. Discomfort caused by loud noises.
2. Difficulty in hearing.
3. A disorder characterized by a distortion in the quality of the sounds being heard, as of musical notes. It sometimes causes a sense of discomfort in the patient.
Inability to copy writing or printed letters.
dysaphia, dysaphic:
Dullness, impairment, or distortion of the sense of touch.
1. Difficult and defective speech due to impairment of the tongue or other muscles essential to speech while mental function is intact.
2. Inability to speak in which there is no defect in the ability to understand and, if literate, to read or write.
3. Difficulty in articulation; partial impairment of articulatory speech.
1. Joint malformation or deformity.
2. The development of a joint where none is normally present.
Difficulty in hearing.
Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.
A condition associated with exposure to very low or rapidly changing atmospheric pressure. Symptoms include pain in or near joints, giddiness, headache, numbness of limbs, chest pain, and shortness of breath. When it occurs in severe form, it is sometimes called “decompression sickness” or “the bends”.
Difficulty in walking, including excessively fast steps (tachybasia), or very small steps (brachybasia).
Any form of difficult or distorted walking, whether organically or psychically determined.
!. The inability to fix one’s attention; difficulty experienced in thinking; mind weariness.
2. Weak and uncertain willpower.
dyscephaly, dyscephalia:
Malformation of the head and facial bones.
Difficulty in localizing sensory stimuli.
dyschiria, dyscheiria:
A disorder of sensibility in which, although there is no apparent loss of sensation, the patient is unable to tell which side of the body has been touched (acheiria), or refers it to the wrong side (allocheiria), or to both sides (syncheiria).
Any deficiency in perception of color.
dyschromatopsia, dyschromatopsy, dyschromatoptic:
Deranged vision of colors; color blindness; imperfect color vision.
dyschromia, dyschromatous:
1. Discoloration, as of the skin or fingernails and toenails.
2. Any abnormality of skin color.
dyschronous, dyschronism:
Disturbed time relation, especially that which occurs after transportation from one time zone to another that is five to ten hours ahead or behind. This leads to disturbances of biological rhythms.
dysdiadochokinesia, dysdiadochocinesia, dysdiadochokinesis, dysdiadochocinesis:
Impairment of the ability to perform rapidly alternating movements.
Difficulty in swallowing liquids; dysphagia for liquids.
Fetal malformation occurring during the growth of the embryo.
Difficult or painful vomiting.
Any abnormal condition or disease of the blood.
dysentery, dysenteric:
A term applied to various intestinal disorders; especially, of the colon, marked by inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is characterized by abdominal pain and diarrhea with passage of mucus or blood. The cause is bacterial or viral infection, infestation by protozoa or parasitic worms, or chemical irritants.
Any disturbance of the equilibrium in any physiological system.
A condition of slow response to stimuli.
Lack of harmonious action between the muscles concerned in executing any definite voluntary movement.
dysesthesia, dysesthetic:
1. Abnormal sensations on the skin; such as, a feeling of numbness, tingling, prickling (as if with pins and needles), or a burning or cutting pain; also paresthesia.
2. Difficulty or derangement of sensation, or of any bodily senses; also applied to a class of diseases of which this is a symptom.
3. Distortion of the sense of touch. It may be organically or psychically determined.
4. Abnormal sensations experienced in the absence of stimulation.
dysfunction, dysfunctional:
Abnormal, inadequate, or impaired action of an organ or part.
Poor or inadequate milk production; disordered milk secretion.
dysgenesis, dysgenic, dysgenics:
Defective or abnormal development, particularly in the embryo.
dysgenitalism, dysgonesis:
A condition caused by abnormal genital development.
Impairment or perversion of the sense of taste; impairment or perversion of the gustatory sense so that normal tastes are interpreted as being unpleasant or completely different from the characteristic taste of a particular food or chemical compound.
Of or relating to the dysfunction of glands, especially the endocrine glands.
dysgnathia, dysgnathic:
Abnormality of the jaw; any developmental abnormality of the maxilla or mandible or both jaws.
Any disorder characterized by intellectual impairment; memory loss; any mental illness.
Difficulty in combining into an integrated whole the various symbols comprising a word or phrase.
Pertaining to faults of speech arising from disease.
A speech defect involving incorrect phrase construction, leading to infantile speech or a telegraphic style; an aphasic disorder that impairs syntax rather than vocabulary; also agrammatism.
dysgraphia, dysgraphic:
1. Inability to write coherently (as a manifestation of brain damage).
2. Writer’s cramp.
3. In children, difficulty in learning to write.
Disordered liver function.
dyshidrosis, dyshydrosis, dyshidria, dysidrosis:
1. A disorder of the sweating apparatus.
2. A disease of the sweat-glands, in which the sweat is retained (instead of perspiring) and produces swellings.
dyskinesia, dyskinetic, dyscinesia, dyscinetic:
1. A defect in the ability to perform voluntary movement.
2. A class of diseases in which voluntary motion is impeded or handicapped.
3. Distortion of voluntary movements; involuntary muscular activity such as a tic, spasm, or myoclonus.
Derangement or impediment in speech; specifically, that which is due to defects in the organs of speech or motor nerves.
dyslexia, dyslexic, dyslectic:
1. Great difficulty learning to read or spell.
2. Difficulty in reading due to defects in the brain; specifically, word blindness.
dyslipidosis, dyslipoidosis (singular), dyslipidoses (plural):
A disorder of fat metabolism.
dyslogy, dyslogia, dyslogistic:
Difficulty in expressing ideas; incoherence of speech.
dysmasesis, dysmasesia:
Difficulty in chewing.
Inability to visualize correctly the size of objects; they appear larger than they really are.
Congenital deformity or absence of a portion of one or more limbs.
dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhoea:
Pain in association with menstruation. One of the most frequent gynecological disorders, it is classified as primary or secondary. This disorder is the greatest single cause of absence from school and work among menstrual-age women.
Pseudodementia or pseudoimbecility, based primarily on psychological factors.

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