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Brevi Words: “abbreviate” to “unabridged”

brevi-, brev- [brie-, bri-] (Latin: short; shorten).

The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress.
—Philip Roth

Abridged, shortened, cut short.
Something that has been cut short or abridged.
The act or process of shortening; abbreviation, compression.
1. The result of abbreviating; an abbreviated or reduced form; short summary, abridgement.
2. A shortened form of a spoken word, or written symbol; a part of a word or symbol standing for the whole.
One who abbreviates, abridges, or shortens.
1. To shorten; to make shorter, to cut short in its duration, to lessen the duration of; originally of time, or things occupying time.
2. To make shorter in words, while retaining the sense and substance of the written text; to condense, epitomize.
3. To produce by shortening from or abridging (a larger work); to condense from.
4. To curtail, to lessen, to diminish (rights, privileges, advantages, or authority).
Shortened, cut short; contracted, condensed.
One who or that which abridges, shortens, or makes abridgments; a summarizer, synoptist, or compiler.
The act or process of shortening the duration of any thing, or lessening it; or of making a short compendium or abstract of a larger work.

If it takes a lot of words to say
what you have in mind, give it more thought.
—Dennis Roth

abridgment, abridgement:
1. The act or process of abridging or shortening; a shortening of time or labor; a curtailment of privileges.
2. A compendium of a larger work, with the details abridged, and less important things omitted, but retaining the sense and substance; an epitome, or abstract.
breve, singular; brevia, plural:
1. A summary, a short code of instructions, etc.
2. A writ by which a person was summoned or attached to answer an action, complaint, etc. in a court of law.
3. A small curved mark, like a tiny smile, placed over a vowel to signify that the vowel has a short sound; as with such words as: cat, pet, sit, hot, up.
An official document granting certain privileges from a sovereign or government; specifically, in the army, a document conferring nominal rank on an officer, but giving no right to extra pay.
1. A brief statement, summary, epitome.
2. In the Roman Catholic Church, the book containing the “Divine Office” for each day, which those who are in orders are bound to recite.
Having a short tail.
An abnormal shortness of the neck.
Having short leaves.
Having a body that is shorter and broader than usual.
Short sounds.
Brevity of speech.
Given to concise speaking.
Having short feet (or legs); a short-legged bird.
A short-winged bird.
A bird that has a short bill or beak.
1. Shortness, especially as applied to time.
2. Being short in speech or writing; contraction into few words, conciseness, terseness.
1. Of short duration, quickly passing away or ending.
2. Occupying a short time when speaking or reading; consisting of few words, short, concise.
3. A short statement or account of something that is, or might be, more fully treated; an abridgement, epitome, abstract, summary.
4. A letter of the pope to an individual or a religious community upon matters of discipline. It differs from a bull in that it is less ample and solemn, and in the form in which it is written. More fully called apostolical or papal brief.
5. A summary of the facts of a case, with reference to the points of law supposed to be applicable to them, drawn up for the instruction of counsel conducting the case in court. to hold a brief: to be retained as counsel in a case.
If you would focus your words, whether spoken or written, be brief! It is with words as with sunbeams that the more they are condensed, the deeper they penetrate into the realm of people’s thinking.
—John Rayoa
The action of giving information or instructions relating to a particular situation; information of this kind.
1. In a way or form that occupies a short time; in few words, shortly, concisely, tersely.
2. Within a short time (measured either backward or forward); soon.
Shortness in speech or writing; brevity; conciseness.
1. To interrogate (a soldier, astronaut, diplomat, etc.) when he/she returns from a mission in order to assess the conduct and results of the mission.
2. To question formally and systematically in order to obtain useful intelligence or information; such as, “Political and economic experts routinely debrief important defectors about conditions in their home country.”
3. To instruct people as to the prohibitions against revealing or discussing classified information; such as, when they separate from a position of military or political sensitivity or after employment has ceased.
4. In psychology, after an experiment to disclose to the subject the purpose of the endeavor and any reasons for deception or manipulation.
1. The act or process of debriefing or of being debriefed.
2. The information provided during the process of being debriefed.
Not abridged, reduced, or shortened; the complete or full version. In modern use, specifically of literary works.